Brand Campaign

Brand Campaign

Case Study

C-Suite Focus: Reframing ARMCO’s Brand with a Consultative Approach



ARMCO, a renowned provider of software for quality assurance in loan departments, sought to shift its marketing strategy. While the company had a strong relationship with middle managers, they recognized the need to connect with the decision-making C-suite executives who could comprehend the added consultative value that ARMCO brings. The task was not just to portray ARMCO as a software provider, but to elevate its status to that of expert advisors.


Chameleon Collective partnered with ARMCO to reflect this new positioning throughout their brand. This transformative approach involved redefining the company’s identity assets, rejuvenating the web design, and introducing a new aesthetic to their trade show booths. The modifications also extended to advertisements and collateral, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.


By shifting the focus to C-suite managers, ARMCO transformed its brand identity from a software provider to a high-value consultant, leveraging its expertise to establish stronger and more influential relationships. This strategic realignment ensured that ARMCO was not only recognized for its superior software but also appreciated for the consultative value it brings to the table.


Brand Campaign

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