Brand Identity & Packaging

Brand Identity & Packaging

Case Study

Tune’s Resonant Brand Identity: A Standout in the Cannabis Sector



Tune, a budding developer and manufacturer of full-spectrum LED lighting and energy systems, faced the task of creating a unique brand identity to capture the attention of commercial cannabis growers. With the mission to stand out in a competitive market, they also aimed to position their brand as the premier provider of LED lighting and energy systems.


Chameleon Collective embarked on a thorough branding process that began with a meticulous naming procedure, eventually deciding on ‘Tune’. The comprehensive brand strategy included a fresh logo, engaging packaging, and targeted messaging for diverse audiences. A new visual identity system and a strategic communications plan were part of this extensive rebranding exercise. The team devoted time to pinpoint Tune’s core purpose and story, using this foundation to connect more deeply with customers. These brand elements culminated in a new website, sales kit, and trade show materials.


In less than three months, Tune transformed from a newcomer to an attractive, compelling brand in the cannabis space. Chameleon’s work not only facilitated Tune’s market launch but also led to a more profound engagement with their customers. Chameleon continued to support Tune in their subsequent phases to reinforce and deepen relationships with their customers, setting Tune up for long-term success.


Brand Identity & PackagingBrand Identity & PackagingBrand Identity & Packaging

Related Chameleon
Team Members

Karen Lithgow

Karen Lithgow

Partner-CMO & Brand Strategist

Matt Cave

Matt Cave

Creative Director (Branding)

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