Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Case Study

Drive Change: How Chameleon Collective Fueled Carputty’s Market Entry



As we set the stage for Carputty’s grand debut, aiming to reframe the auto lending industry, we were met with a multifaceted challenge. While Carputty promised to let consumers breeze past the notorious finance office during their car-buying journey, introducing such an innovation under a brand-new, not-so-straightforward name presented its unique set of hurdles. The goal? Get people talking and trusting a solution they hadn’t realized they craved.


Stepping in with audacious intent, Chameleon Collective’s fractional CMO orchestrated a hand-picked team of maestros – a creative director with an eye for the distinct, a sharp-witted copywriter, a digital media maverick, and a social media savant. Starting with a soft launch, our focus was the southeast, leveraging the power of social media to kindle the flame. But we didn’t stop there. An expansive multi-channel strategy soon took form, meticulously designed to amplify brand awareness and shepherd traffic to Carputty’s online hub.


With our innovative tactics, Carputty didn’t just meet traffic goals; it consistently exceeded them. Gaining deep insights into channel efficiency for this unique audience, Chameleon Collective’s strategy laid down a robust foundation for Carputty, priming it for a dominating presence as the company would continue to roll out over the rest of the nation. We also set the stage for a full-time marketing director to seamlessly take the reins as Chameleon exited.

Related Chameleon
Team Members

Alex Hultgren

Alex Hultgren

Fractional CMO/Interim Leader

Cesar Santos

Cesar Santos

Interim Creative Director

Johnny Cate

Johnny Cate


Cate French

Cate French

Google Ads Expert

Kaddie Osborn

Kaddie Osborn

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