Investment Strategy

Investment Strategy

Case Study

Cultivating Growth in the Cannabis Industry with FinCanna



FinCanna stands as a beacon in the licensed U.S. cannabis industry, providing essential growth capital to emerging private entities. Earning revenue through royalties from its investee companies, FinCanna sought expertise in two primary areas: an in-depth market research of the licensed U.S. cannabis landscape and strategic introductions to potential investment partners. Chameleon Collective was summoned to bridge the gap between FinCanna’s objectives and their realization.


With a deep understanding of the industry landscape, Chameleon Collective crafted a nuanced strategy for FinCanna. This strategy meticulously covered various risk profiles. At the lower risk end, we focused on real estate investments associated with businesses licensed to directly handle plants. Progressing to a mid-risk level, our attention shifted to investments in products and services tailored for plant-touching entities. Finally, for the high-risk segment, our strategy centered around businesses possessing licenses for direct plant interaction. Guided by this multifaceted approach, we actively sought and initiated introductions with potential investment partners, setting the stage for FinCanna’s future collaborations and expansions.


Our strategic efforts bore fruit as FinCanna forged connections with seven companies. Impressively, two of these introductions translated into tangible investments. Chameleon Collective’s role metamorphosed from a strategist to an integral partner, supporting FinCanna at every turn, ensuring that each conversation transitioned seamlessly to a fruitful partnership.


Investment StrategyInvestment Strategy

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