Positioning a Pioneer in a Traditional Industry

Positioning a Pioneer in a Traditional Industry

Case Study

Positioning a Pioneer in a Traditional Industry – Ag Tech



With digital monitoring/data networks able to drive agricultural efficiency to a new level – and ultimately autonomous technologies – Fieldin had huge potential to transform farming. But every pioneer faces 2 challenges: how to succinctly demonstrate the ROI on investment in their services, and how to breakthrough to their targets – which ranged from small-scale, high-value crop farmers to colossal, vertically integrated conglomerates.


We recognized that the key was tailoring the approach to each target segment. For the small/middle market, a more ‘grass roots’ strategy was necessary – activating the power of word-of-mouth within the tight-knit, high-value crop community. Without the benefit of an extensive in-house, field sales team, we targeted key influencers/co-op networks that would allow us to reach their members and conduct high-impact demos. The core of our message focused on solving farmers’ most pressing challenge: the scarcity of skilled labor and its corollary – burgeoning costs. For the conglomerates, showcasing the transformative capabilities of autonomy was brought to the fore, in combination with ABM (Account Based Management) strategies to reach the cross-section of decision makers.


Following our kickoff in mid-January, a key co-operative deal was struck that rapidly led to critical sales that closed just in time for Fieldin to fulfill its ambitious Q1 targets. As a result Fieldin was on track with its growth proforma as we transitioned off at the end of Q2.


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Ray Smale

Ray Smale

Interim CMO: Health & Wellness

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